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News, articles, tips & tricks

What you do before liposuction really matters

To get an excellent result from your plastic surgery procedure, there some checkboxes you’ll want to tick leading up to your procedure. You need a knowledgeable and experienced surgeon, realistic expectations and overall good health. But there is another very important element – you! The things that you do leading up to your liposuction procedure…

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The benefits of a good gynecomastia surgery postop routine

When it comes to gynecomastia surgery, a surgeon has control over the operation and can be confident in delivering the result that their patient expects. However, what they can’t control to the same extent is what the patient does during their recovery period. Recovery following gynecomastia surgery is an important period when it comes to…

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The best lip enhancement treatment for you

Whether you have a “gummy” smile, wrinkles above your lips, downturned corners of your mouth or just want a luscious pout, there is an option to enhance your lips. Dermal fillers The most direct way to shape your lips and give them the pout, thickness and size that you want is by placing dermal fillers…

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Breast augmentation: Fact vs. fiction

“Should I or shouldn’t I?” many women ponder before going under the knife. Prior to considering any type of cosmetic surgery, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons associated with the procedure. Deciding whether to go through with a surgery can be difficult enough without having to wade through the laundry list of myths…

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